Fun Variations of Bridge to Strengthen Your Glutes and Hamstrings

Due to my flexibility in my hips, and due to many years of practicing yoga, I could go on for days about the importance of strengthening the glute and hamstring muscles for yogis.  But I won't bore you with that today!  Instead, I wanted to introduce you to some fun bridge variations that will help strengthen these muscles. 


Start with some regular variations of bridge.  Lay on your back with feet about hips distance apart and heels close to the body.  Rest your arms by your side with the palms facing down.  Slowly press into your heels and roll your hips, low back, and mid back off the mat.  Then slowly lower back down.  Do several rounds like this, lifting and lowering. 


Starting in your bridge position, walk your feet away from your body about the distance of one foot.  Repeat lifting and lowering for several rounds.

Then walk your feet away from your body about the distance of one more foot.  It may feel awkward!  Repeat lifting and lowering for several rounds.  Notice how you really feel the back of your legs engaging the further you walk your feet away from your body in bridge.  


Grab a blanket and place it at the bottom of your mat.  Note this will only work if you are on a floor that will allow the blanket to slide, such as tile or wood!  Lay with your back on the mat and your feet on the blanket.  Make sure your hips are close to your heels to start.  Then  lift and lower for several rounds.


Lift your hips into bridge, then slowly push your feet away from your body.  Lower your hips.  Pull your feet back to your body.  


Lift your hips into bridge, then slowly push your feet away from your body.  Pull your feet back to your body.  Beware, you may get a cramp when you do this one!  If so, lower your hips and take a break.